Category: Photography

  • Flickr Commons turns 5

    Today Flickr Commons turned 5 years old. The Commons has turned into an incredible resource of over 250,000 images from 56 different libraries, archives, and museums throughout the world. For me, the launch of Flickr Commons heralded what turned out to be a huge turning point for my career. Flickr Commons allowed me to build my…

  • Flickr commons in my neighbourhood

    Following on from my previous then and now Flickr commons meets streetview demonstration, I started to think of how could I bring that experience to a user based upon their current location – take out the streetview and replace it with a real life view.  Can you provide an immersive experience for a user, giving them…

  • Flickr: The Commons

    Flickr have just announced The Commons, a collaboration where the Library of Congress has placed over 3000 images from their collection on Flickr. These images have been selected, based upon them not having any known copyright issues.This is similar to what has been done with Picture Australia here at the National Library, but in reverse.…

  • Least interesting Flickr photos

    Looking at my Flickr photos it’s easy to see what my 200 most interesting photos are. However, if you have more than 200 photos in your photostream how do you work out what is your least interesting flickr photo? With a little help from the Flickr API you can build a page that will show…

  • Geotagging Flickr

    Flickr have updated their detail level for images of Canberra on their mapping service. This is going to make geotagging my images much more accurate. Thanks.