Category: Libraries

  • Forte: the National Library of Australia’s sheet music collection iPad app

    A man walks into a reading room, hands over his iPad and says “Hi, my name is Jake and I’ve built this”… Let’s go back in time In March 2011 the National Library placed a dataset of our sheet music collection up at This was to be used as one of the datasets for…

  • Flickr Commons turns 5

    Today Flickr Commons turned 5 years old. The Commons has turned into an incredible resource of over 250,000 images from 56 different libraries, archives, and museums throughout the world. For me, the launch of Flickr Commons heralded what turned out to be a huge turning point for my career. Flickr Commons allowed me to build my…

  • Trove WordPress plugin

    One of the fantastic resources in Trove is the digitised newspaper collection. We’ve seen people using the newspapers for research & republishing their findings on their blogs. There’s a couple of issues with this: If the text that is copied hasn’t been corrected, if it ever gets updated in Trove it won’t get updated on…

  • Puttin’ on the writs

    This year we had a bit of fun at the National Library of Australia’s Christmas party with our own little take on copyright law. Thanks to Dereta for all her hard choreography work. It was great fun.

  • Australian Women’s Weekly visual timeline

    In the past I’ve spoken about moving our collections Beyond the search box, the colorful library and that libraries should be the provider of digital information but not control how we interact with that information. Recently the National Library of Australia released digitized versions of the Australian Women’s Weekly. The existing way of accessing this collection…