Category: Presentation

  • Web Directions South 2010

    I recently gave a presentation at Web Directions South 2010. It was an amazing opportunity & really a highlight of my year. John & Maxine run an incredible conference & I thought this year they managed to have some of the most amazing speakers. The presentations by Scott Thomas, Michal Migurski and James Bridle were…

  • Everything I know about cataloguing I learned from watching James Bond

    At VALA2010 I did a presentation titled ‘Everything I know about cataloguing I learned from watching James Bond’. What I was trying to explore was the notion of how searching for objects is changing. We are now so used to full text search for books, journals and newspapers that the traditional forms of metadata, such at…

  • Common Ground

    I’m really excited to be playing a small part in the upcoming Common Ground meet up to be held on the 2nd-3rd October 2009. Common Ground is a global meet up celebrating the Commons on Flickr to be held by as many of the institutions in the Commons as possible. The institutions will be projecting…

  • Building location aware websites

    On the 24th of July I gave a presentation to the Canberra Web Standards Group on Building location aware websites. Here are the slides and notes from my presentation. Slides 1-2 Welcome I’m Paul Hagon a web developer at the National Library of Australia. This is my twitter handle if you are twittering about my…