Category: Music

  • iTunes for librarians: Getting set up and importing music

    One thing I do like is an organised physical music collection and a nicely organised digital music collection – albums in order, all with cover art etc). Strangely enough, the way I organise my physical and digital collections is different. Over the next couple of posts I’m going to discuss some tips you can use to…

  • Forte: the National Library of Australia’s sheet music collection iPad app

    A man walks into a reading room, hands over his iPad and says “Hi, my name is Jake and I’ve built this”… Let’s go back in time In March 2011 the National Library placed a dataset of our sheet music collection up at This was to be used as one of the datasets for…

  • A Frasier moment

    This morning I lined up to get a couple of tickets to the Australian Chamber Orchestra’s upcoming performance of Vivalidi’s Four Seasons.  What I didn’t know was that this morning tickets went on sale for the rugby league grand final.  You could image the dirty looks I got from the people in the line when…