Year: 2009

  • Tweet de France

    It’s that time of year again & I’m staying up late to watch the coverage of the Tour de France. I’m following a couple of the riders on Twitter, but I found their tweets were getting buried in amongst the rest of the noise. So, I built Tweet de France, a little application that merges…

  • Geolocation in Firefox 3.5 and the iPhone

    Today the Mozilla group released Firefox 3.5. This release has many new features, but one that really interests me is the inbuilt geolocation service. This release also comes hot on the heels of the iPhone OS3.0 software upgrade that also brings inbuilt geolocation to the mobile safari browser. Why is this exciting? They are both…

  • DigitalNZ location search

    A mapping application I’ve built to expose content from DigitalNZ

  • Voicemail interactions

    A little while ago, work upgraded our voicemail system. This new system is a nightmare to use. When you are designing a system you need to give a priority level to all the tasks that are available and create a heirarchy. Not all tasks are equal. For a voicemail system the key task that is…

  • How libraries can learn from Twitter

    This morning an interesting Tweet arrived on a subject that I’ve been thinking about quite a lot lately: there seem to be more people using twitter apps than twitter web. What is twitter doing wrong? @katykat In April 2008, ReadWriteWeb carried out a study How We Tweet: The Definitive List of the Top Twitter Clients that showed…